A new piercing is a wound. Do not touch or play with it. Rest and staying hydrated are helpful for healing. The new piercing(s) should be cleaned twice daily, with a sterile saline solution/wound wash, not contact or nasal solution. Wash hands thoroughly with anti bacterial soap before cleaning or touching your new piercing(s). Spray or soak piercing(s) directly (just enough to flush out the piercing of any debris and to get the “crusties “off ) for the duration of the suggested healing time. Clean after any heaving sweating activity.

For oral piercing(s), Rinse with an alcohol free mouthwash twice daily for 60 seconds to loosen and flush away any food debris. The outside can be treated as a regular piercing , and cleaned with the sterile saline solution. Purchase a new toothbrush and clean well after meals.

  • Never use Alcohol or Peroxide to clean your new piercing(s)

  • Do not touch, pick or play with your new piercing(s) or jewelry

  • Avoid sleeping on your  new piercing(s) during the suggested healing time. Make sure to sleep with clean bedding

  • Do not allow your new piercing(s) to come in contact with harsh facial cleansers, lotions, moisturizers, hair products, hair spray, or makeup

  • Do not allow oral or bodily fluids to come in contact with your piercing(s)

  • If your new piercing(s) come in contact with shampoo, conditioner or body wash during bathing, make sure to thoroughly rinse with water and not let sit on the piercing(s)

  • Do not submerge your piercing(s) in any body of water including ocean, lakes, rivers, pools, hot tubs or bathtubs during healing

  • Keep pets and debris away from fresh piercing(s)

  • Wear loose comfortable clothing over the area of your new piercing to allow it to breathe

  • Rest and staying hydrated are helpful for healing!

    What’s normal: redness, swelling, itchiness, mild spot-bleeding, produce a fluid that forms a gold or yellow colored crust

    Human bodies differ, so healing times will vary person to person


A new tattoo is a wound. Always clean hands throughly before touching your new tattoo. After leaving shop, remove bandage after 2 hours OR when your artist asks you to. Wash tattoo thoroughly with hot water & antibacterial unscented soap (2-3 times daily) for duration of healing. Dial or Dove is typically recommended. Pat tattoo dry with clean paper towels & clean hands. Apply non scented lotion or a thin layer of Aquaphor after drying tattoo. NEVER use lotion pots, as they may be harboring bacteria that can infect your tattoo.

  • Do not soak tattoo excessively, swim or go to the beach throughout healing

  • Do not re-bandage tattoo

  • Do not spend excessive time in the sun throughout healing

  • Keep your tattoo CLEAN & MOISTURIZED throughout healing

  • Refrain from working out with healing tattoo

  • Make sure to sleep with clean bedding

  • Keep pets and debris away from fresh tattoo

  • Do not pick tattoo or scabs

  • Wear loose comfortable clothing over the area of your fresh tattoo to allow it to breathe

  • Rest and staying hydrated are helpful for healing!

    What’s normal: temporary discomfort, tenderness, bruising, pimples, dryness, swelling or redness can occur

    Human bodies differ, so healing times will vary person to person